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  Engines & Engine Parts:    
Brand name Description Price Picture
Kubota 4 cyl Diesel engine, model V2203, 2.197 liter or 134 cu.in. makes 51 hp, came from a Cushman riding mower. Has 3481 hours on the meter. other associated parts availabel too. (dk) SOLD   
Volvo Penta 1 cyl model MD5A, s/n 10632, sail boat diesel engine and reverse gear, 1975-1978, good used condition, test run. (ics) SOLD  
Mitsubishi 3 cyl, model K3D, 22hp, water cooled diesel from a Toro 322 mower, includes radiator and the gauge panel & wiring harness, approx hrs (iw) SOLD
Wisconsin V4 cyl, air cooled, gasoline, model VE4D, 21hp with Rockford PTO, rolls over and has good compression. In good condition, have not test run. will almost certainly need carb clean out. SOLD  
Wisconsin V4 cyl, air cooled, gasoline model VH4D, 30 hp, coupled to hydraulic pump (iw) SOLD
Deutz 2 cyl, model F2L812 air cooled diesel with hand clutch, old and weathered, parts only (of) $200
Buda 6 cyl Model 6D1468, 4 1/4" x 5 1/2" bore & stroke, with Marine cooling system, core engine (op) SOLD
Buda 6 cyl Model 6D1468, long coupled to a 30 kw, AC, Continental gen set, cool looking old set up (of) SOLD  
Chrysler- Nissan UD 3 cyl model UD3, 2 cycle diesel, s/n DD3232648, (looks a lot like a Detroit Diesel 3-71) has marine cooling and water cooled exhaust manifold. skid mounted and coupled to a KATO 40/30 kw gen set. Engine starts and runs great, have video. Gen end is missing voltage regulator so unable to load test as is. Intend to megger test and then get a regulator if it's good. Will sell for less if you want engine only. SOLD  
CAT  6 cyl, model D4600 diesel  engine w /gas pony motor, on skids w/ radiator, late 1940's, unsure of condition, (of) (scrap thieves got to the radiator) SOLD

CAT 8 cyl, model D379TA Marine, s/n 69B283, series A engine, has a front pto, twin disc #30365, heat exchanger cooled, was a running takeout from an old wooden tug boat, engine is weathered but turns over, weighs 12,000 lbs. (opdk) , ( Note: 3 to 1 Cat Marine Gear was sold separately) $6,500. SOLD

CAT 8 cyl, model 3208T, 250hp at 2600 rpm, p/n 589250A, s/n , good running take outs from school buses, on frame w/radiator, tranny, air cleaner, muffler, etc. Allison MT643 transmission, weighs 4300 lbs. qty 8, only 1 left, (of) SOLD

CAT 6 cyl model 3126T, 7.2 liter 246hp, s/n CKM51160, arrangement 221-7452, good running take outs from school buses. Allison model 2000 series transmissions. qty 2 ea. (ofdk) SOLD  

6 cyl, Spark Ignited CNG Natural Gas engine, CID 359 Model B5.9-195G CPL 2035 Family: VCE359DICARA, 195 hp @2800 rpm, Allison Transmission Mod. AT545 Part No. 23015183 Ser. No. 3210597353. Running take outs from transit buses.


Cummins  220 core engines, qty. 2 ea. (of) sold.
Cummins 262 Short block reconditioned, 5 1/8 bore 5 1/2 stroke, block, crankshaft, bearings, camshaft and gears and bearings, liners, pistons, rings, rods, pins all new(iw) age? 1965 SOLD  
Detroit 6-71 Twin pack power unit, 1ea. LA model 1063-1004, 1ea. LC model 1063-3001, PTO with single output shaft,  High block engines, on skids with radiators and mufflers (otdk) SOLD
Detroit 6V-92 TA Bus Engine, RC 8067-7827, w/Allison HT 747, 4 speed trans. DDEC Reliabilt engine 8-98, .010 under crank and rods, is a good running take out from a Sounder bus, qty 1, approx. 3,800 lbs. $3,500  
Detroit 8V92 T Industral, RC 8083-7400, Reliabilt all standard size parts, SAE#1 bellhousing, no starter motor or flywheel. S/N 8FF5253, (op) Otis SOLD  
Detroit 110 6-110 RA, model 62403 RA with centrifugal type blower, engine was reconditioned but not complete rebuild, s/n 6B-7713, probably mid 1950's??, 2 valve head, SAE #1/2 bellhousing, needs injectors, have cores, hyd gov. drive. Have some spare blowers and parts too. (iw)$ 6K SOLD
Detroit 110 6-110 RD, Core engine, model 62607 RD, roots blower is missing, SAE#1 bell housing, has 2 big hyd. pumps and a drive line, s/n 6B-19549, core only, 2 valve head,, weathered from outside storage. (of) $1K SOLD
Detroit 110

6-110 RD, model 62306 RD, roots type blower, has SAE #1/2 bell housing, s/n 6B-12212, powering a 150 kw GE gen set, 450 volt AC, 3phase, 1800 rpm, hour meter reads 264hrs but certainly has more. dont know the year. Engine starts and runs good, good oil pressure and no extra noises, have video of it running, have not tested the gen end other than it meggered OK.$6K

Detroit 110    6-110 RD, model 62406 RD, roots blown, powering a 75 kw, Kato, was a municipal standby power gen set, hour meter reads 987hrs, s/n 6B-17033, has 2 valve head, #1 bellhousing, (ot) SOLD
EMD 12-645 E3B on skids w/ RR alternator and accessory rack, good used engine, alternator has been visited by scrappers, (globe) (op) SOLD
EMD 16-567-D3, Tag# 62C-40R Upper block / Lower pan 62B71, for parts only (op) SOLD  
EMD 12-567 B ser# 51-M-33, Roots Blown core engine, RR take out, both blowers and flywheel have been removed (op) $5,000
HERCULES 190 HP Spark Ignited Natural Gas Engines (NG) Serial: H53335245 GTA 506 X0002. Allison Transmission Model No. AT545 Serial NO. 3210547513 Part# 2301518391C15. Running take outs from school buses, qty 6 ea. weathered (of) $1,500
NAVISTAR 7.3 liter V8 DI Turbo Diesel, Mfg date Jan 30,2002, good running takeout from school bus, Allison model xxxxxxx transmission SOLD  

40GDSX, 6 Cyl, 500HP, 900rpm, 8 1/2" Bore by 10 1/2" Stroke, S/N 16570, very low hours from a standby electric generator set. Dual Fuel , uses natural gas and diesel. appr 15,000 lbs



Detroit Diesel 71 and 92 series engines
       Good Used "GU", Cores "C" and Dyno Tested Rebuilds "DTR"

Detroit Model


RA: RH rotation, has Blower on Left - Exhaust on Right and rotates CCW (as viewed from flywheel end.)

RB: RH rotation, has Blower and Exhaust both on Left side, rotates CCW (as viewed from flywheel end.)

RC: RH rotation, has Exhaust on Left - Blower on Right and rotates CCW (as viewed from flywheel end.)

RD: RH rotation, has Exhaust and Blower both on Right side, rotates CCW (as viewed from flywheel end.)

L or LH engines are odd, they rotate CW from flywheel end / CCW from the fan end, opposite of normal. Some Marine and Bus applications use L engines.

2-71 RA 2 each DTR  RA  engines. mechanical governors, both need a starter and alternator. (iw) $3,600ea. 
2-71 RA RA core engine, was marine cooled, those parts incomplete, won't roll over, (out4) $900
2-71 RA RA core engine, has hydraulic starter motor and hand pump. skid mtd w/centrifugal pump, (out5) $2,800
3-71 RC core engine, marine cooled, wont turn over, on skids, used to drive a DC generator. (out) $900
3-71 RC DTR   low block, 2v head, needs: starter, fan, air cleaner, (iw) $3,500
3-71 Power Unit Good Used , RC high block, 2v head, skidded w/PTO clutch, radiator, muffler, but no engine cover, SAE #1 Bellhousing, (iw) SOLD  
3-71 Power Unit for winch Good Used , RC high block, radiator, engine cover and gauge set. skidded w/pto and side drive trany for a winch drive, SAE #2 bell housing, Skagit model EU-40-W tranny, 3 row drive sprocket, RH side Very good condition, (iw) $5,500
4-71 RA cores, high blocks, some with air compressors, qty. 3 ea. (out17,18,19) $1,100 ea.  
4-71 core, marine cooled, on gen set skids and heat exchanger. (of) $1,200  
4-71 Power Units skidded, high block, 1 has Twin Disc PTO, qty 2 ea. (out) $2,500 ea.  
4-71 Power Unit RC skidded, Hydraulic Power Unit driving 3 pumps, weathered, engine does not roll over.. (out16) $2,000
4-71 RC Aluminum   DTR, aluminum high block, 2 valve cylinder head, #2 bell housing, front gear cover and valve cover are all aluminum. Weighs 1,009 lbs No flywheel or startermotor . Mostly non magnetic for military applications, built here in our shop, Zinc Chromate paint..       RC arrangement   (iw21) $13,000 
4-71 RC Power Unit Good Used , Marine fire pump power unit, with heat exchanger cooler tank and wet exhaust manifold, high block, Rockford PTO (needs some work on rusted cylinder), 450 hrs. (out13) SOLD
6-71 RC Power Unit for winch Good Used   RC low block, Winch power w/clutch and side drive Fuller transmission, for Wilamette winch, both reconditioned, no radiator   (iw) $5,200 
6-71 Twin PowerUnit Twin pack power unit, PTO with single output shaft, 1ea. LA, model 1063-1004 and 1ea. LC, model 1063-3001, High blocks,     (outdk) 26 & 27 SOLD
6-71 LB Turbo Bus engine, LB, model 1067 2B22 with DDEC box & Allison model Vxxxx trans assy and radiator on the frame, good running takeout, 1991-2010. 5,500lbs, (ofdk) SOLD  
6-71 RC Good used 6-71 RC high block, 2 valve head, powered a Delco 60 kw, 1200 RPM, gen set , engine test run, (op28) SOLD pic pic2
6-71N RC Good used 6-71 RC hgh block, 4 valve head, powered a Delco 75 kw, 1200 RPM gen set, engine test run, SOLD  
6-71 RC

core, low block, 2 valve head, clean inside, needs the blower repaired and a starter motor. (outdk) 24

6-71 RA core, low block, mtd on skids with 6" centrifugal pump, will not turnover (of) 25 SOLD  
6-71 LH cores, LH bus engines, some low block and some high block, (of) $1,000 ea.  
6-71 LH core, LH bus high block with automatic transmission, (of) $1,500  
6V71 core Bus, RH Fan to Flywheel, Big alt Auto Trany Spicer F449 S/N 400029-1 (of) weathered $1,000    
6V71 core Bus, Fan to Flywheel, Big alt Dry block  (of) $1,000  
6V71 Power Unit Industrial, skid mounted with radiator, driving hydraulic pump. not yet tested, has set a long time, will not turn over as is.(of) $  
6V92 T RC Bus Engine, turbo RC 8067-7827, w/Allison HT 747, 4 speed trans. DDEC Reliabilt engine 8-98, .010 under crank and rods, is a good running take out from a Sounder bus, qty 1, approx. 3,800 lbs. (ot) $3,500  
6V92 T Power Unit Industrial, turbo RC model 8067-7826. rough handled, broken fuel, cooling, air and exhaust parts, missing starter, Not yet checked out or test run, Twin-Disc model xxxPTO (ot) $  

Truck RC, model 7087, fan to Fuller tranny, running takeout w/ air comp, starter and alternator. s/n 8VA257177. Tranny # D1HA 7003RB, (out)

8V71 Power Unit RC engine, NA, model 7087-7517, variable speed, skidded, with radiator, mufflers, starter, air comp. flywheel covered, s/n 8VA220771no PTO, not yet tested. (of) yellow $4,500   
8V71 Power Unit

Industrial R- engine, NA s/n 8VA-178938, skidded with radiator, mufflers, starter, fuel tank, Rockford Model PTA 114142-D, 14" PTO clutch, not yet tested, Madden (op) not yet tested.

8V71 Bus Enigines, 7 ea. core engines, 2 ea. engines w/ turbos, (of) $1,500 ea.  
8V92 T RC 8V92 T Industral, RC 8083-7400, Reliabilt all standard size parts, SAE#1 bellhousing, no starter motor or flywheel. S/N 8FF5253, (op) silver Otis SOLD  
12V71 RC Industrial, RC arrangement, 7123-7300, s/n 12VA-50758, rolls over, has good compression, missing turbos, starter motor and flywheel. (of) SOLD  



Detroit Diesel 53 series engines

Good Used "GU", Cores "C" and Dyno Tested Rebuilds "DTR"

Brand name
2-53 RC DTR, 5023-7101, has air comp on back, needs fan, air cleaner & alternaror, 2D-30655, (iw) $3,600  
2-53 RC DTR, 5023-7100, needs fan, air cleaner, alternator and starter motor. 2D13843 (iw) $3,800  
2-53 core only, w/o head and blower or starter, (out) $400  
3-53 RC cores, 1 ea,  incomplete in basket  (iw) , 1 ea 5033-7001 missing blower, exh manifold and starter,(out) $800 ea.  
3-53 RB Aluminum 5033-6299, alum block and back gear cover/ #3 bell housing, military gama goat engine, missing flywheel and starter, running takeout (iw) SOLD  
3-53 RA core, 5033-5001 complete with VS governor, air compressor, no starter or ehx manifold, s/n 3D70849 (out) SOLD  
3-53 RC Power Units skidded units w/ radiator, air cleaner, etc., model 5033-7001, 1ea. w/ PTO and 1ea. has dual Hydraulic pumps, not yet tested, (out) $3,000 ea.  
4-53 core, mostly complete in basket missing exh man, (iw) $1,800  
4-53 RC core, 5043-7000, RC arangement, won't roll over, has Twin Disc hydraulic torque converter mod 6F 1307 3 (out) SOLD  
6V53 RA core, industrial application, 5063-5000, flywheel, startermotor and fan complete, RA arrangement, SAE #3 bellhousing, SWVS governor, rolls over, worn liners, (out) $2,000  
6V53 RA core, truck application, 5067-5000, complete with air compressor. LH oil cooler, RH starter, RA arrangement, SAE #2 bellhousing, torque converter, (out)


6V53 RA core, truck application, 5067-5000 mostly complete, missing starter, flywheel, exhaust manifolds and air inlet housing, SAE #2 bellhousing, rolls over ok, (out) $1,000. SOLD  
6V53 RC Aluminum    Aluminum block , Naturally Aspirated, N45 injectors, cast iron 2 valve heads, iron #3 bellhousing, complete major overhaul, weighs only 1100 lbs, saves about 600 lbs, built in-house from a bare block, engine was originally a Turbo RA arrangement in a military application. We built it back to a 210 hp RC arrangement engine. No starter, alternator or fan assembly.(iw) SOLD  
8V53 Block only , cast iron, qty 1ea. (iw) $1200  
P.O.R = Price On Request, please call us. 253-922-6670 Fax 253-922-2258



Engine Parts

Brand name
Alco 251 turbocharger, running take off, quality core, type 720A5, cat# 226000161-5 (at Streigle Supply) $    
Alco 16-251 exhaust manifold assemblies. qty 2 ea. $  
Alco  Injector fuel pumps, qty. 16 ea. $  
Cleveland Blower & accessory drive, model 278A, 6 & 8 cylinder, p/n 3267304, CW rotation, reconditioned. $  
Cummins model V 28 / 1710, new cylinder heads, complete, qty 3. Stamped number under rocker 72P03547, from power house spare parts, (oec) $1,200 each
Cummins model V 28 / 1710, wet exhaust manifolds, new, qty 2. casted number 163106, new spares from powerhouse. (oec) SOLD  
  Lots of Detroit engine castings for 53 and 71 series engines .  
Detroit Bell housings, most cast iron, some aluminum, many sizes. $250 - $650  
Detroit Block, 4-53 $  
Detroit Block,  model 8V53, Cast Iron, 1 only, (iw) $1500  
Detroit Block, model 2-71    (iw) $400  
Detroit Blocks, model 4-71, Aluminum blocks, weighs only 175lbs each, qty. 1 SOLD  
Detroit Blocks, model 6-71 high blocks, Cast Iron, qty. 6 $600-800 ea.  
Detroit Blower Cores, 6V, 8V and Inline $250 - 350  
Detroit Blowers, Rebuild with a core SOLD  
Detroit Cam Shafts, NEW, call with p/n your looking for & we'll see if we have it. $  
Detroit Crank Shafts: Cores +/- $500 + grinding +/-$260  
Detroit Crank Shaft, 3-53 Std qualified good to go $800  
Detroit Cylinder Heads 2-71 w/valves outright$700 with core $500  
Detroit Cylinder Heads 4-71, 4 valve cores, dependent on quality and contents $400-800  
Detroit Flywheels, lots of p/n's on hand $250  
Detroit Fuel Pumps, $70-80  
Detroit Governors, mechanical and Hydraulic, good used $100-$500  
Detroit Governors, Hydraulic, Reconditioned $1000-$1300  
Detroit Heat Exchangers, used and surplus SOLD  
Detroit Liners, new $50  
Detroit Manifolds, Exhaust,  dry    $100-300  
Detroit Manifolds, Exhaust,  wet $200-$500  
Detroit Manifolds, Water $100-200  
Detroit Marine expansion tank, keel cooled type $900  
Detroit Oil coolers and cooler housings $50-100  
Detroit Pulleys $25  
Detroit / Gray Marine Diesel Starter Motors, 32volt, LH or CCW rotation, 12 tooth drive gear, Delco-Remy, p/n 1109307, replaces p/n 742, fits 71 series L engines, surplus in crates, USN 1944 SOLD  
Detroit Thermostat housings $35  
Detroit Water Pumps, Cores, inline $25  
Detroit Water Pumps, Cores    V Water Pumps Core 6 and 8 $60  
Detroit Water Pumps, Cores  V12, and 16 $15  
EMD 645 F7B Aftercooler assys, complete, 4 pass, available with either 2 small flange or 4 large flanges on the tanks, reconditioned with new cooler cores, WSF surplus, (dk) SOLD  
EMD Balancer, harmonic, gear type SOLD  
EMD 645 Blowers, Roots type, good running take offs, RH and LH, $2000 ea as-is , rebuilt $4000 ea. SOLD  
EMD 12-710 Cam Shaft segments, P/N40048087, Surplus spares from Amtrak, total of 8 each


EMD Carrier, qualified core SOLD  
EMD 16-710 Crank Shaft, used shaft that has become rusty, 14 feet long, approx 3,000 lbs good for industrial decor and metal art. $1,000  
EMD Exhaust Valve cores SOLD  
EMD Flywheels, qty 2    8383473 SOLD  
EMD Governor core, railroad style $500 ea.  
EMD 567 & 645 Heads, O2's recond. $300, recond 3's cores $250-$275 ea. $300-$500 ea.  
EMD 567 Heads, 567A, inspected, bare, qty. 6 ea. Also 567 Dual Fuel heads, reconditioned-complete, qty. 14 ea. $  
EMD 710 Heads, cores, diamond 6, qty 24 ea. (oec) SOLD  
EMD Injector Cores $50 SV, wide band $100 NV, narrow band $125 EB SOLD  
EMD Rods, qualified, used Blade $150, qualified, used Fork $250 SOLD  
EMD Liners, CI used, 567- , 645- $250-$500 ea.  
EMD Pistons, used, 567A, C, 645 $50-$100 ea.  
EMD Pump, rebuilt, oil 12cyl SOLD  
EMD Pump cores, Water: $400, Oil: $500 - $700 SOLD  
EMD Rocker arm cores, rocker shafts SOLD  
Fairbanks Morse  5 1/4" OP engine, used liners, qty. 2ea. sold  
GE 7FD M Master connecting rods, P/N117X1030-3R , qty. 6ea. surplus/new spare parts SOLD  
GE 7FD M Crankshaft, P/N 119X1082.4, 12 cylinder, in good used condition from Wa St Ferries, can be made to fit EFI, ABS 7143, in wooden crate 152" long, 37" wide and 38" tall, (iw) $12,000. SOLD  
Other non EMD parts  UG8 Governor cores $300 ea.  

Atlas, Enterprise, Nordberg, Union, Waukesha

Some large engine parts of various brands, Union, Enterprise, Nordberg, Atlas, , Alco, EMD.   crankshafts, cams, fuel pumps, pistons, rods, liners and more.   Small cranks     Cams and Cranks       
P.O.R = Price On Request, please call us. 253-922-6670 Fax 253-922-2258



  Engine Accessories:    
Clutches and PTO's
SAE #6 PTO 11 1/8" bolt C-C, 1 7/16" output shaft x 3 1/2" long, .85" pilot,  6 1/2" friction, Twin Disc C-106- SP6, Has a step up adapter housing to a SAE#5  that is 4 1/2" deep,  reconditioned, weighs     lbs,  (iw02) $550   
SAE #5 PTO 1 3/4" dia output shaft, 6" long, 1" pilot, 8 " friction disc ,   Rockford single disc, cover plate with numbers is missing,   good running takeoff, turns smoothly but not load tested, complete with handle, friction and drive ring for flywheel, weighs    lbs,   $500   
SAE #4 PTO 2 1/4"dia output shaft, 5 1/2" long, 1.181" pilot,  10 " friction, Rockford model PTA 41052, DD#5116493,  12.375" dia drive gear for flywheel, used, good condition.(needs a handle and friction pieces), weighs 120 lbs, (iw04) SOLD  

2 1/4" output shaft x 6 1/4" long, 1.181 pilot, 11" friction, TwinDisc model C-110-HP3, (reconditioned but needs work, wont stay engaged properly), last 2 1/2" of shaft is turned to 2 3/16", weighs ??? lbs, (needs friction disc and drive gear for flywheel(iw07) $500

SAE #3 PTO 2" dia output shaft, 4" long, .85" pilot shaft, 10" friction PTO / reduction gear, Ratio 2.75:1-reversed rotation, Rockford model GRA 31012 s/n 668412, (needs friction disc and drive gear for flywheel), good used condition (ics14) SOLD  
SAE #1 PTO 2 1/4" dia output shaft, 4 1/2" long, 1.181" pilot, 11" friction, Rockford model PTA 11163, DD# 5132202, complete, in used, running condition, not thoroughly checked out yet, weighs 170 lbs (iw09) SOLD  
SAE #1 PTO 2 1/4" dia output shaft, 6 1/2" long, 1.181" pilot, 11" friction,  Rockford model PTA 11162, DD# 513220, (needs brass yoke throwout bearing) ,  160 lbs, reconditioned   (iw10) $550  
SAE #1 PTO 3" dia output shaft, 5 1/4" long   1.375" pilot,  14" friction, Twin Disc, no tag, believe it is model B-114-P1, 18 1/2" dia drive gear for flywheel, (needs a handle), weighs 220lbs, reconditioned, (iw11) $1,000   
SAE #1 PTO 3" dia output shaft, 11" long,   1.375" pilot,  14" friction, Twin Disc model B-114-P1, used, (needs 18 1/2" dia drive gear for flywheel), in used, running take-off condition, weighs 220lbs, (iw12) $750  
SAE #0 PTO 2 3/4" dia shaft, 5 1/2" long, 1.375" pilot, Twin Disc model B-114-P0,   (needs plates and friction and drive gear for flywheel), reconditioned, weighs ???lbs, (iw13) $800  
many more not yet reconditioned or inventoried
Marine Gear

Twin Disc,64HN9  marine gears:   Lots of shafts, gears, cases and other partsfor these guys.  Sorry, NO complete units left in inventory, and NO new friction discs.

Vee Drive VEE Drive gear box, model C476, Mark VI, 1:1 ratio, 18deg angle, good for 1000 HP, Port and Starboard units, look like surplus/new inside, qty 2 (iw) SOLD  

Falk DPC Marine

3 to 1 reduction and reversing gear w/ 30" dia. pneumatic clutch, from a small tug, $10,000 sold  
Borg Warner model T18, 4 speed, casting # on side of case T18B-1A. shift lever shortened, (ics) SOLD  
Skagit Winch drive transmission, model TRA50217, LH side drive, 4 row sprocket, 1"pitch, SAE#2 bell housing, (ics 1) $2,500  
Winch drive transmission, model TRA70/38 5-A-62, LH side drive ,4 row sprocket, 1.25"pitch, SAE#2 bell housing, (ics2) $2,500    
Fuller Winch drive transmission, model WD-188 S/N 3037354, LH side drive, 4 row sprocket, SAE #1 bell housing, (ics 3) $2,500  
(x) speed manual transmissions, model no.TACU-100-10, s/n 78260, SAE #1 bell housing, 6 row sprocket on output shaft, qty. 2 ea.
$800 ea.  


  Harrison cooler assemblies for Cleveland Diesel engines etc.    
Brand name Description Price Picture
Harrison 1 ea. p/n HE 6420-354, replaces HE2420-354, water to water cooler, type B, flanged 3"id and 3.5"id, 135lbs, surplus/new (ic) $650  
Harrison 2 ea. p/n HE2120-354, water to water, 75psi wp,165/300 test, flanged 3"id and 3.5"id, 131 lbs, nearly new. (ic) SOLD  
Harrison 2 ea. p/n HE2120-356, same as above, flanged 3.5"id and 3.5"id, 131 lbs, new/surplus condition. (ic) $650 ea.  
Harrison 2 ea. p/n HE 1120-359, oil to water, 75psi wp, 165/300 test, flanged, 2" id oil side, 3.5" id water side, nearly new, (ic) $650 ea.  
Harrison 1 ea. p/n HE1417-353, oil to water, 75psi wp, 165/300 test, 2.5" flange and 1" 2 hole, used / good condition, (ic) $550  
Harrison 1 ea. p/n HE1417-359, oil to water, 75psi wp, 165/300 test, .75" and1.25" ports, 2 hole boss for each, new/surplus, (ic) $550  
Harrison 1 ea. p/n HE 11522 H302 , round body,oil to water, 50/100 psi, hose and clamp type connections, 1.25" id and 3.5" id, 148 lbs, new/surplus, (ic) $450  
Harrison 2 ea. p/n HE2116-306 , small , water to water, 75psi wp, bolt-on section like Gray Marine and 1.25" NPT ports each side, new /surplus, (ic)
Need more information? please call us. 253-922-6670 Fax 253-922-2258


Brand name
Western Bearcat Alfalfa Special Brush Grinder/Feed Grinder, Chopper blades and hammer mill, discharge blower  directs fairly fine grindings,   Air cooled Lister diesel 12 HP, 2 wheel trailer mounted.   Will grind 2 & 3 inch  wood    Excellent for brush, hay or feed (op)  $2,500
Wood/Chuck Wood Chipper, 1986 Model HD12, self feeding (chuck and duck), 12" rotor has 4 knives, Ford 300 cu in 6cyl gas engine, 107 hp, will chip 6" limbs easily, in good operating condition (op) SOLD  
Patterson Ball Mill, 18" dia, x 24" long drum, ceramic tile lined and ceramic balls, speed reducer but no motor, in good condition, (op) SOLD  
Streich Bros. Cable Reeling Machine,  Medium size,  Hydraulic drive, built by Streich Bros. in Tacoma.
Maximum flange diameter XXX" (of)
Jacobson Equip. Hammer Mill , originally for grinding dried corn for feed, will grind other materials of similar hardness. 5hp, 230/460v, 3ph vari-drive motor, 7" dia. discharge, mtd. on heavy duty 4 wheeled cart  (ofarp) SOLD  
High Pressure water blasters diesel powered, 3 piston hi press pumps, more detailed info in the Pumps section on the next page: Portholes to Winches $1,500  
K.E.I. 3035-261 Sawdust Collector, 6"dia, 1500cfm, 2hp ,230V 3ph, 3 stage filtering, hopper gravity dumps into 55gal drum, 3rd stage filter attaches to another collection drum, (iwarp) SOLD  
Vacuum Lift Plate/sheet handling device, 12,000 lb. capacity, 10 vacuum suction cups with integrated vacuum pump (of) $2,000 as-is sold
Military Trailer Single Axle Trailer, may have carried a Gen Set, etc. very beefy, 9.00 x 20 tires and wheels. platform is 96" long x 44" wide x 36" off the ground, overall length 12ft, width 80". (of) $500 SOLD
Alum Platform and Stairs Raised Platform, 64" high, 42" railings, platform areas 27" x 84" and 48" x 60", overall foot print 87" x 95", easily moved by forklift. (ofdk) SOLD  
CSI Grinder, coal, light aggregate etc. 2 ea. 10" dia. x 16" long, spiked rollers, 3HP, 3ph electric motor with gear reduction combo on sturdy 4 corner legs, with built on feed hopper, 4' x 6' x 5' high NEW unused (op) $2,500  
Thermo King Road Trailer Thermo King, refer units, diesel and electric combo, model NWD50, used, (op) qty. 4 ea. sold  

Molding PLATEN Press, 20 Ton Hydraulic, 4 post Table 86" x 36" with 18"daylight, 7.5hp,3ph, not heated, Excellent Condition (ics) overall 96" long, 52" wide and 80" tall, weight 5,100lbs $1900


Fans / Blowers:
Brand name Description Price Picture
Buffalo Forge 8"dia. discharge, 1 1/2hp, 220/440V GE motor, squirrel cage type fan,      (ics) $600  
Coppus Vano 8" 'torpedo blowers', portable vane-axial ventilators for hazardous locations, Model 175 , 8" inlet and discharge, 120v , 8.3A , 1500 cfm, blowers weigh 75lbs. are 40" long, 16" diameter, qty 3ea. (isarp) SOLD  
LA-DEL 10" protable vane axial ventilator for ship board haz locations, aluminum construction, 115v DC, 500 cfm, (is) $500  
Rhine Air 12" air powered portable ventilator for haz locations, 34psi supply air, (is) $500  
Dayton 12" portable Haz. location fan, 4 blade alum prop, wooden box surround, 1/4 hp, 120 volt, explosion proof motor, approx. 1200 cfm, (is-arp) sold  
Dayton 18" portable Haz. location fan. 4 blade alum prop, wooden box surround, 1/2 hp, 120volt explosion proof motor, approx. 3000 cfm, (oc-arp) sold  
Dayton 24" portable Haz. location fan, 4 blade alum prop, wooden box surround, 3/4 hp, 120 volt explosion proof motor, approx. 5800 cfm, (oc-arp) $800  
Dayton / Grainger 30" axial, belt drive upblast ventilators, galvanized steel const, takes 3/4hp to 2hp motor to get 8,000 to 13,000 cfm, New in the crates, qty 2ea. $750 ea.  
Air Ventilating 42" alum. 5 blade prop type fan, belt driven by 5 hp 208,230/460V motor, weather hood available too, used (of) sold  
Dayton-Poultry Fan
48" 4 blade prop fan w/ wood frame, 500rpm, needs a 1.5hp elec motor, New, slight damage (iw)
Lampson Blower
50hp, 3ph motors, 12"x12" centrufugal type from water treatment plant, model 1262-0-0-1-1-0-GD, needs work, qty 3ea. $1000. (of)
North West Marine Iron Works 50hp, 220/440V,  1175 RPM, 24" discharge,  22" intake, sawdust handling fan, wheel is 48" diameter, 12"paddles, overall 4' wide 7' high 71/2' long, cyclone has been sold   (of) $1,500. sold
Positive displacement, rotary lobe blowers I need to confirm details on the performance but based on currently available information I expect these are able to produce 15 PSI pressure or 16" Hg. vacuum.
They are used, look in good condition and we would test operate them before any sale is made.
Motors are all  TEFC Magnetek 3 phase.   each of the skid units has air intake filters housings,
vacuum relief’s and discharge pulsation dampers 
Sutorbilt 3 HP, Sutorbilt pump model Cat. #3MVL BHC, Qty 2ea. (of) $250 ea.
Cleveland 30 HP, Cleveland blowers, model A-2, 440v 3ph Westinghouse motors, belt driven, skid mounted, 60" long, 43" wide, 37" tall, qty 2 ea. sold  
Round "Tube axial" marine style ventilation duct fans,
Navy / GE 27" dia. tube axial fan, 115V DC, 2 speed, direct drive, 156/47Amp, 1750/1150 RPM, GE motor, New/surplus, Qty. 2 ea. (iw) $1,000 ea  
  24" dia.  Qty. 2, used-need work   (of) SOLD  
LA-DEL 10" dia. portable haz. location shipboard fan, 500 cfm, 115v DC, (is) $500  
Westinghouse 14" dia. 20" long, 1.25hp, 440v 3ph, 3450rpm. wt. 140lbs. used in good condition, 1953, Qty. 2ea. (opgf) $750 ea.  
Buffalo Forge 24" 3 HP 3ph. 60Hz 1725RPM 230/460V 9.0/4.5 A ID# F-A758-00-813 J259R113 (ohta) SOLD  
Brand name Description Price Picture
Titan / Denmark Centrifuge Purifier for fuel oil,  Type  CN SA 66,  900 GPH, 8 HP, 460V, S/N 7312SG7,  ABS approved, 55"long 50'high 36"wide, w/ spare Bowl assembly. Unit is incomplete, needs worm gear shaft that spins the bowl. (iwJP)
DeLaval Centrifuge Purifier for fuel oil,    Model 65N, 3hp, 230/460v 3ph, 7200rpm bowl speed, mfg. 9-15-78, all taken apart, (icsRB) $999  
Sharples Centrifuge Purifiers, Model 14 VN2PSN2   1 Model 14VN2PSN4  Good cores   Qty. 1 left,   (of) $500.    
Cardinal Corp Distilling machine, for recycling solvents such as acetone, 4' X 4' X 6' High, used, needs repairs. heats 55 gal drum. needs considerable work. (ofarp) sold


Water treatment:
Brand name Description Price Picture
Agitator / Mixer    Agitators / Mixers, Big, Vertical Shaft, 150 hp Reliance electric 2 speed motors, 150/84 HP, 1185/885 RPM, Frame 449 TSD, type PM,   Philadelphia Gears PSA-120-850, good for 375 HP, 10.1:1, 118/88 rpm output, drives
three blade props
8ft. diameter, on 12ft. long shaft  Qty. 4 (of) 
Sarex Oily water seperaters,   tripple element,  used,   Qty 3  (of) $250 ea.
Baker Rotory strainer, 12" wide screen  26" diameter, 1 1/2 HP gear reduced drive,  6" in and out flanged connections, good used,  all stainless steel,  102   Model CS 062,   S/N  1907 
DonTech Inc Rotory strainer,  10' long trommel style screen,  24" diameter, 3 3/4" outlet stub,
.014 filter size. Model# Roto-THK-24120, SN 3185, 1 1/2hp 3ph motor (of)
Hycor Rotory strainer,  6' wide,  25" diameter, 2572 .030, Model RSA 2572-7 and RSA2572-6, SN 308071 A  (of)
$5,000 ea.
HC  Hydrocyclonics
Rotory Strainer,  4' wide,  25" diameter, HC  Hydrocyclonics, .010 filter size,
Model  RSA2548,  S/N  H 606034-C,    (of) 
Floating Aerators Surface Aerators, 20 HP, 1160 RPM, 7' diameter floats,  Qty. 4    (of) $5,000 ea sold
Aqua Chem / Water Technologies Division,
Water Maker: Seawater vapor compression distilling plant,  Model S600, spec-s,
Produces 600gph, 20psig @74 F. s/n SP-77-13709, Dry wieght 9,550 lbs., Length 14'4", Width 6',  Height 6'-6",
Service (Utility) requirements:   Steam/Condensate 106#/Hr. @ 15 PSIG.,
Electrical:  460V/ 3ph /60hz/ 77 Amps.
Feed: 12500 #/HR., 1500GPH, (25GPM), 35-50 PSIG @ 70 deg. F,
Blowdown:  7500 #/Hr., 900 GPH (15 GPM), 5 PSIG @ 84 Deg F,
Product:   5000 #/Hr., 600 GPH  (10 GPM), 20 PSIG @ 74 Deg. F,  new price 157,000. running take out, needs rebuilding (approx $20K)  (op)
Cleveland Vapor Compressor, Vacuum Pump, Ballast Pump, 30HP Westinghouse, 60hz, 440V 1750 rpm, frame 405, with Mag Starter,  belt drive 6 row sheave. Pump is from a Clevland Diesel Engine, model A-2, 7 1/2" x  8", built 4-4-46,   on skids  60" long, 43" wide, 37"high, All Bronze vacuum pump, (ics) Qty. 2 ea. sold  
Trommel Screens
60" inside dia, by 91" long, screen openings are 3/4" x 1/8", stainless steel construction, with drive sprocket, weight 460lbs. ea., qty. 2 ea. (ofdk)



  Fire Monitors    
Brand name Description Price Picture
  Fire water monitors / water cannon / deck pipe / deluge gun.  Sizes range from 2" to 8"
New and used, Mfg. mostly by Morse W.V.        Brass.    
  1 1/2' and 2 1/2"nozzles, tapered strainght and lever acting, fire valves and fittings. $12 to $50 ea.  
Monitor Nozzle Co 2" dia,  single feed with 2 additional valves, flanged base, Used, needs some work, nozzle extension tube missing.   (is) SOLD  
M. Greenberg Sons 3" dia, double feed style, 4" threaded base, Used, needs a handle and has some something missing, possibily a lock for the handle, moves freely.(is) SOLD  
Morse 4" dia, double feed style, flanged bases, complete, in NEW condition  Qty. 2ea. (is) SOLD  
Morse 8" dia, double feed style, flanged base, Used, in good condition, missing nozzle extension tube/water straightening barrel Qty 1ea. (iw) $4,000  
No Name, Hydraulic Mining Monitors Old Hydraulic Mining Monitors, double 2 1/2" feed fittings into 4" dia base and knuckle, barrel and nozzle are flange connected, 52" long and taper to 1 3/8" opening. Mostly steel construction except for brass fire hose fittings feeding it. I think there is supposed to be a handle that bolts on to guide the stream.. qty of 2 ea. SOLD  
Gauges, Precision
Brand name Description Price Picture
Air Ring Gauges:  (iw cart) Picture of following Gauges
.1204-.1207 dia. w/ air attachment P.O.R
.1206 dia. w/ air attachment P.O.R
.1246-.1248 dia. w/o P.O.R
.1247 dia. w/o P.O.R
.1248 dia. w/ air attachment P.O.R
Picture of following Gauges
.1875-.1872 dia. w/o P.O.R  
.1952 dia. w/ air attachment P.O.R  
.2490-.2495 dia. w/o P.O.R  
.2550-.2553 dia. w/o P.O.R  
.2609-.2611 dia. w/ air attachment P.O.R  
.2892-.2888 dia. w/o P.O.R  
Picture of following Gauges
.4722 dia. w/o P.O.R  
.6882-.6878 dia. w/o P.O.R  
.6922-.6918 dia. w/o P.O.R  
.7521-.7523 dia. w/ air attachment P.O.R  
  Picture of following Gauges
.9305-.9307 dia. w/o P.O.R  
1.3608 dia. w/o P.O.R  
1.3607-1.3609 dia. w/o P.O.R  
1.3110-1.3115 dia. w/o P.O.R  
1.3112 dia. w/o P.O.R  
1.9210-1.9215 dia. w/o P.O.R  
Snap Gauges:   (iw)       Picture of following Gauges    
Size 16 P.O.R  
Size 15 P.O.R  
Size 14 P.O.R  
Size 13 P.O.R  
Size 12 P.O.R  
Size 11 P.O.R  
Size 10 P.O.R  
Size 9 P.O.R  
Size 8 P.O.R  
Size 7 P.O.R  
Size 6 P.O.R  
Size5 P.O.R  
Size 4 P.O.R  
Size 3 P.O.R  
Size 2 P.O.R  
Size 1 P.O.R  
Size 00 P.O.R  
P.O.R = Price On Request, please call us. 253-922-6670 Fax 253-922-2258




  Gear reducers: speed reducers , gear box    
Brand name
Dorris Model TX315, 14.91:1 ratio,  inline/offset style with   1 5/8" input, 2 7/16" output shaft  (is01) $500  
Radicon 72:1 ratio   wormdrive right angle, 1" input  1 1/2" output shafts (is02) $700   
G. Walter 3.25:1   inline offset,  1 3/8" in flanged output  (is4) $500  
Westinghouse Twin Pinion (1 in & 2 outputs)  2.6667:1  1800:4800, CM 56049  airforce (is5) $400  
Borg Warner 4 speed,  T98 or T18 transmission, T18B-1A cast on case, shift lever shortened   (ics) SOLD  
Skagit Winch drive transmission, model TRA50217, LH side drive, 4 row sprocket, 1"pitch, SAE#2 bell housing, (ics 1) $2,500  
Winch drive transmission, model TRA70/38 5-A-62, LH side drive ,4 row sprocket, 1.25"pitch, SAE#2 bell housing, (ics2) $2,500    
Fuller Winch drive transmission, model WD-188 S/N 3037354, LH side drive, 4 row sprocket, SAE #1 bell housing, (ics 3) $2,500  
Twin Disc   14" single friction PTO / reduction gear, Ratio 4.75:1 SAE #1 bell housing, Model B114E4RG1  Spec.19177, 3"dia output shaft, 1 3/8" pilot shaft,   reconditioned like new, (ics14) $1,800  
Cotta x speed transmission, SAE #1 bell housing, model TACU-100-10, 6 row sprocket on output shaft, qty. 2ea. $800 ea.  
Bayard Right angle drive, 72,000 lb. torque, 5" output shaft 13 1/2" long,  1 5/8" input shaft, Windlass drive,  Qty.  2ea.  SOLD  
Philadelphia Size 2100,  Max. input 20 HP at 870 RPM, under deck winch drive,  6 1/2" dia. output shaft,  2 3/4"dia. input shaft,   556:1    (op) $12,000   
Faulk DPC
Marine 3 to 1 reduction and reversing gear, 30" diameter pneumatic clutch, was attached to a 8-567 EMD in a small tug
Grass Mower, Lawn Mower:
Brand name Description Price Picture
John Deere 4ft cut Walk Behind Model HD75, 17 hp Kawasaki air cooled gasoline engine, xxx hours on meter, has 3 rotary blades, belt driven, in good operating condition $1,500  
John Deere 5ft cut Riding

Model 1445, front deck type, hydrostatic 4WD with dual front tires, model year 2007, s/n TC1445D070243, 62" fastback rotary mower deck, rear discharge. Yanmar 3 cyl diesel 31 hp, has 7,260 hours on meter, starts and runs and mows good. (dk)

Toro Grounds Master   $  
Toro Grounds Master Model 345, front deck type, 2WD year 2005, 72" rotary mower, rear discharge. Ford 4 cyl gasoline industrial engine, 1792 hours on meter, weathered and needs paint but in very good operating condition, tires in good condition, (dk) $3,700  
Toro Grounds Master 10.5 ft cut Model 455D, 1994, bat wing type with 3 rotary mower decks, PTO driven with 7 belt driven blades, 10 ft 6in cut, Ser# 30450-40164, 5,950 hrs on meter, Peugeot 4 cyl diesel, model XUD9, 55 hp water cooled, 2WD Hydrostatic drive, Needs a new mower deck gear box, from WA State Parks, (dk) SELLING AS A PARTS MACHINE $1,000

Toro Grounds Master 16ft cut Model 580D, 2WD, year 1997, enclosed cab, bat wing type with 3 hydraulic powered rotary mower decks, 11 blades, 16 foot wide cut, Mitsubishi 4 cylinder diesel engine, 80 hp, 2 speed hydrostatic drive, good tires, hour meter reads 3,697 hrs, from a local school district. Starts, runs and operated great, (dk) SOLD  
Toro Grounds Master 16 ft cut Model 580D, 2WD, year 2001, bat wing type with 3 hydraulic powered rotary mower decks, 11 blades, 16 foot wide cut, Mitsubishi 4 cyl diesel engine, 80 hp, 2 speed hydrostatic drive, good tires, hour meter reads 4,734 hrs, from a local school district. Starts, runs and operates great.. This machine has 4WD but currently only operates in the 2WD setting. (dk) SOLD  
Generator Sets: 250kw and up , Engine powered
Brand name
Cat 420 KW Cat 3412 diesel , S/N 385935, 605 HP 1800 RPM, 17,300 hours on its meter. has 2 new liners due to water damage, reconditioned turbochargers and heads. New generator end, Marathon model 502FDR8056AB-M198, Frame 502, S/N LA-95696, Type FDR, rated for 450KW standby, Basler regulator. Unit is inside a 40 foot trailer with a 600 gallon fuel tank.


Detroit Diesel 350 KW Detroit Diesel 16V71, dry block. Radiator cooled (needs cleaning), Delco generator model 2E5232R2, S/N 152-K-68, 437 kva, 1800 RPM, exciter amps1.3,   8,377 hrs. engine has been run tested. mounted in a van type 5th wheel trailer (of) $8000 in 24 ft single axle dry van trailer.


Detroit Diesel

300 KW Detroit 12V71, Marine unit, keel cooled. RC model 7123-7005, s/n 12VA-59637*, Delco generator end, Model E7371, S/N 8H78, 300kw cont. 375 kva, 1800 RPM, 225/450/480V 962/481/451A Exciter Field 1.3 amps 80 volts, ins. class F armature, H on field. 50 deg.C max amb. 17,436 hours. very weathered. Has air starter motor on it,(out)

Cummins 275 KW Cummins engine NTA 855 G5, 1800 RPM, 208/120V 3 phase, 4 wire generator, generator model 502FDR7120JJP, 425 hrs.(like new) Skidded, Remote Radiator, with muffler,    (out) SOLD  
Mitsubishi 250 KW Mitsubishi engine S8N PTA  S/N 10058, 8 cylinder inline, 540 HP, 1200 RPM, Turbocharged, with Dual Fuel (Natural gas and diesel) conversion option. Will replace up to 80% of the diesel with Nat. Gas.
    Gen. Kato, "Broad Range Brushless AC Generator", S/N 84208, Cat. Code 6P4-1400, Model 250-682361111
    Type  19415, 3 PH,  60 Hz, 1200 RPM, 12 Wire, 240 / 480 V, Basler regulator Type KR7FF
    comes with remote vertical Radiator 5 HP fan, Muffler, supervisory control panel
    Hospital Standby unit deamed to be too small
    Total running hours 331  "brand new" 
P.O.R = Price On Request, please call us. 253-922-6670 Fax 253-922-2258


Generator sets: 175kw to 50kw (continued)
Brand name
Cummins 175 KW Cummins model NT855-GS, gen model 500 DR 5057 CC, s/n FA 3302 5/1/34, pn 300 2297, 1800rpm, 460V, 277amp, 3ph, 60hz, continuous duty,   radiator cooled, skid mounted, no meter but looks low hours, very clean but has weathered now. (ot)
Cummins 170 KW  Cummins 6 cyl. Propane fueled, Model GTA 743A, standby unit  258 hours
Marathon gen. frame 440,  220/440V, 1800 RPM, 4wire, Brushless exc.,  Radiator cooled, skid mounted with steel house, muffler, 24V battery system w/charger and auto start controls (op) $10K


Detroit 125 KW Detroit 6-110 powered, GE Marine AC gen set, 450 volt 3 phase, 1800 rpm, An old unit probably form early 60's of so, Engine tested and runs good, gen end not tested. SOLD  
White 125 KW  White 6 cylinder turbocharged diesel, model D4800TAX195,  S/N 4019388
Generator is a Newage No. G8775/ 1 , Type AC344D, 208 volt, 60Hz, 1800RPM, CONT. rating, 1127 hours, has  auto start control panel, radiator cooled (iw)
Waukesha 100 KW Waukesha F817GU, Spec G23891, 1800 rpm, size 5 3/8 X 8, 775 hrs. Natural Gas , 2 new liners from rust damage, heads pulled cleaned new gaskets, Kato brushless generator, model 100SX9E, type 15241-3,ser. no.66147, 12 wire, 66kw single phase, heat exchanger cooled, ` has been run and load tested, light grey color, weighs 5,000lbs, 10ft long, 3ft wide, 5ft tall   (iw) SOLD  
Detroit 90 KW Detroit 4-71 LA engine has PTO on front of crankshaft, Cat gen, 1800 rpm 7meg, 3 phase, 10 wire, needs exh. manifold, radiator & air cleaner, not tested (out20) $3,000  
Detroit 80 KW Detroit 4-71 RC high block, Kato gen,1800 RPM 480v, looks complete but needs work. not tested (out22) Very Weathered $4,000  
International Harvester 75 KW International Harvester V8, model 549 Natural Gas engine, S/N 105800, 1800 rpm, Onan gen. 120/208, 3 phase, old stand-by power unit, low hours, runs good, load tested to full load, weighs 2,900lbs, 86" long, 38" wide, 57" tall (iw) SOLD pic pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4
Detroit 75 KW  Detroit 6-71 high block, 4 valve, 1200 RPM, open frame skid mtd w/ radiator, air cleaners. Delco 208/240/416/480 volt, very clean, used, in good condition, 716 hours on meter, 102" long, 38" wide, 52" tall. est. 5,500lbs (iw) SOLD  
Detroit 60 KW Detroit 6-71 RC high block, 2 valve, Delco gen, 1200 RPM, 120/208V, 240/416V, skid mtd, Stewart Stevenson enclosed unit, needs paint on outside, 102" long, 36" wide, 77" tall, weighs 6,100lbs. mfg 1950 , engine test run but not load tested yet (op28) 4K SOLD pic pic2
Mitsubishi 50 KW Mitsubishi 6 cylinder diesel engine model 6D14, 102 hp. Generator Stamford single phase 240V 1ph. 60Hz. ,   unit has 4460 hrs. used  good condition (iw) SOLD picpic2pic3
P.O.R = Price On Request, please call us. 253-922-6670 Fax 253-922-2258


Generator sets: 40kw to 3kw (continued)
Brand name
Chrysler Nissan Uniflow Diesel 40 KW Chrysler-Nissan UD, (UniflowDiesel), 2 stroke diesel, model UD-3 engine, (looks a lot like a Detroit 3-71 copy), with marine cooling system, Kato 12 wire generator, Rated for 40kw 3 phase / 30kw single phase, 1800 rpm, 60 Hz, Engine starts and runs good, gen is missing the voltage regulator so could not load test yet. (out) 1600 SOLD  
Continental 37.5 KVA Warner Swazy (red 1958 unit) Continental R602 3122, 6 cyl gas engine, with hyd governor, 875 hrs. , spec 533, Gas fueled system, could be Propane? or Natural Gas?, EM generator end, 12 wire, 1200 rpm. an old emergency stand-by power unit, very low hours. 98" long, 32" wide and 82" tall, approx 4000 lbs?(iw) $3,000/1800 SOLD  pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 pic5 pic6 pic7 pic8
Detroit 30 KW Detroit 3-53 model 5033-7101 engine, Wesinghouse 120/208, 240/416V. 3 phase 1800rpm, skid mtd and enclosed unit with fuel tank below and muffler on top, load tested 3/17, runs strong and clean. looks like a military unit. missing 1 side door, 139 hrs on meter. (out) $4,500  
Detroit 30 KW Detroit 3-71 engine, Stewart & Stevenson for USAF in 1966, 37.5 KVA 208/240, 416/480V, 3 phase 1200 rpm, skid mount and enclosed, fuel tank, radiator,, muffler, weighs 4,100lbs. 93" long, 40" wide and 60" tall. Load tested 7/17, hour meter reads 570 hrs. (dkout)    Needs work on gen excitaton, not certain of cause or what it needs to fix it properly. Selling it as-is for a fix up project. $3,000  
Detroit 30 KW  Detroit 2-71 engine,  Delco 120/208, 240/416 volt 3 phase, 1800 rpm, alum skid mtd open unit w/ radiator, muffler and air cleaner, 82" long, 34" wide, 50" tall.   reconditioned engine, test run and load tested, no hour meter. $5,900. (iwdk)  SOLD   pic
Detroit 20 KW  Detroit 2-71 engine, Delco 230 volt 3 phase, 63 amps, 1200 rpm, skid mtd open unit w/ radiator, air cleaner and muffler, used, in good running condition, no hour meter, 72" long, 32" wide, 58" tall   (iwdk) SOLD pic pic2

12.5 KW Detroit 2-53 construction site gen set. Whitte brand, Emerson Power model E-400 701-J-71, 120/208 volt, 52 amps, 3 phase, 1800 rpm, skid mtd self contained. Approx 40 gal fuel tank, 66" long x 41" wide x 60" tall, open / not covered. Weighs 2800 lbs.Built by Oil Well Supply, US Steel, Load tested to 13.5 KW , runs clean. needs a new circuit breraker switch. (op) 3K

MWM 10 KW MWM 2 cylinder diesel (small blue unit). Lima 240/480 volt 3 phase, only 300 hours on it. Has a seperate pump for engine water circulation. Unit was built up as a water heater unit. the exhaust man. is a wet type for heat recovery, no radiator or fan, Has engine controls and shut down protection. (iw) BN1961 project? $4,000  
Hercules 10 KW Hercules, air cooled 4cyl, gasoline engines,1500 hrs, 3/69  u-026500, Gasoline 120/240V single phase,120/ 208V 3 phase, Mag Ignition, Dept of Defense units, Qty: 2  (iw)  $2,500ea pic
Onan 6 KW Onan 2 cylinder air cooled diesel . 758 hours on meter, 120 240 V single phase, 25 amps, 1800 rpm, mounted on good frame, no covers, large fuel tank, (ot) $2,500  
Lister 4 KW   Lister 1 cylinder diesel, air cooled, Kohler generator   single phase,  120/220V,  used, in good condition (iw) SOLD   pic1 pic2
Onan 3 KW Onan 1 cylinder diesel, model 3.0MDJA   water cooled  w/raw water pump (marine unit),   single phase, 120/220 V,  reconditioned, qty. 1 (iw,io)  SOLD pic
P.O.R = Price On Request, please call us. 253-922-6670 Fax 253-922-2258


  Hardware: pic    


Boat Spikes, Galvanized

3/8"sq. shank by 3",4",5",5.5",6" and 6.5" long. And 1/2"sq. shank by 4",5" and 6" long. 50 cents each or buy them by the 5 gallon bucket for $50. A bucket full weighs 125lbs. (one bucket holds over 450ea. 3/8"x6"spikes.)

.50ea./$50 pail

 Fasteners: hex head bolts / cap screws
Item name Description Price Picture
Bolts, Metric  Stainless Steel, Metric bolts  6mm dia.x 20mm long x1mm pitch, qty 300 $1.75 lb  
   Stainless Steel, Metric bolts  6mm x 25mm x1mm     25 qty. ?300 $1.75 lb  
   Stainless Steel, Metric bolts 6mm x 30mm x 1mm     qty?50 $1.75 lb  
   Stainless Steel, Metric bolts  8mm x 20mm x 1.25mm   qty.? 200 $1.75 lb  
   Stainless Steel, Metric bolts 8mm x 30mm x 1.25mm   qty ? 200 $1.75 lb  
   Stainless Steel, Metric bolts 12mm x 40mm x1.75mm with polished heads    qty. ?30 $1.75 lb  
  Stainless Steel, Metric bolts 12mm x 50mm x 1.75mm with yellow thread lock spot on them qty. 150 lbs, 1 full bucket &1 over half full $1.75 lb  
   Stainless Steel, Metric bolts 12mm x70mm x1.75 black plating /coating, qty 3/4 bucket $1.75 lb  
   Stainless Steel, Metric bolts 12mm x 90mm x 1.75mm   qty.? 25 $1.75 lb  
   Stainless Stee,l Metric bolts 12mm x 120mm x 1.75mm   qty.?50 $1.75 lb  
   Stainless Steel, Metric bolts 12mm x 200mm x 1.75mm   qty 7 $1.75 lb  
Bolts, Standard Stainless Steel, Std  1" x 3 3/4" long, 8TPI, with nuts, new with surface dirt   qty. >25 $1.75 lb  
Bolts, SAE Plated steel, 1/4" to 1/2", in sizes 4'' to 6" long, hex head and carriage bolts $1 lb  
Bolts & Screws Plated and black steel, some brass too, many sizes and lengths, NF and NC, separated but not inventoried, many short lenght for engines and brackets. pick through our bins, $1 to $2 lb  
Bolts & Pins, long Bolts 3/4" to 1 1/2" diameter, mostly extra long lengths, 33" to 50", glavanized. and black steel. some square head and some round head, some not threaded. call for details $1 lb  
Pins for shackles Screw pins and loose pins for many sizes, some large sizes too, bring your shackle to try and match up a pin for it. you pick through our bins. $1 lb  
Bell Joint pipe clamps from DDM Dresser Industries
Pipe clamps 4" Bell Joint clamps, Style 160,  NEW/surplus (For Pipe Joint Leak Repair)  Qty. 500 $25 ea. Pic
Pipe clamps 6" Bell Joint clamps, Style 160,  NEW/surplus (For Pipe Joint Leak Repair)   Qty. 750 $45 ea. Pic
Pipe clamps 12" Bell Joint clamps, Style 160,  NEW/surplus (For Pipe Joint Leak Repair) Qty. 375 $100 ea. Pic
call for quantity discounts
Pad Eyes Pad eyes, welded steel and cast galv. 8 sizes, 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8"rings, weld down, can be drilled and bolted too. $5 to $10 ea  



  Hardware, Marine deck etc. pic    
Item name Description Price Picture
Air Vents/Funnels Air Vents, curved deck funnels or vent hoods, 14" dia. qty. 4 ea. SOLD  

Bitts / Bollards

Bitts or twin head Barge Bollards, 24" center to center, 10" dia heads, cast iron,    qty. 5 ea. Weigh over 600 lbs each. SOLD  
Bitts / Bollards same as above, 36" center to center, 14" dia heads, cast iron, qty. 1ea. SOLD  
Bitts, Towing 12"  double Crusifix Bitt, $800. also various others SOLD pic
Description: Wooden Cheek type,  fiber rope blocks, size measured by the length of the wooden cheeks on the sides.
Block / Pulley 5", single sheave, w/ hook and becket, for 5/8" rope, approximately 500, New/surplus $15 ea.  
--" 6", single sheave, w/ hook or shackle, no becket, 3/4" rope, qty.175, New/surplus $20 ea. pic
--" 6", double sheave, w/ hook, no beckets, 3/4" rope,    qty. 50,    New/surplus $25 ea. pic
--" 7", single sheave, w/ hook or shackle and becket, 7/8" rope, qty. 200, New/surplus $25 ea.  
--" 7", double sheave, w/ hook or shackle, some w/ beckets, 7/8"rope, qty.900, New/sur $30. ea.  


8",  single sheave,  mix of w and w/o  hooks or shackles, very few of these, all areUsed $30 ea. pic
--" 8",  double sheave, w/ hook or shackle, 1" rope, qty. 200    ,  New/surplus $35 ea. pic
--" 10", single sheave, 1 1/8" rope , lots of them, mix of hardware, all in Used condition $40 ea  
--" 10", double sheave, 1 1/8" rope, few of them, all in Used condition $45 ea  
--" 12", single sheave, w/ hook or shackle, most w/ becket, 1 1/2", qty. 200, New/ surplus $60 ea.  
--" 12", double sheave, w/ hook & becket,   1 1/2" rope,  qty. 75, New/surplus $70 ea. pic
--" 14", single, mix, some w/ hook and becket,  1 3/4" rope, Qty 20,  New/surplus & Used $70 ea. pic
--" 14", double, most w/o top fitting, all have beckt, 1 3/4" rope, Qty 200, New/surplus $85 ea. pic
--" Triple Sheave Blocks, 8" to 14"cheeks, Used and New/surplus, various hardware $75 to $150 ea  
Decor only Single, Double and Triple sheave blocks with wood cheek or steel cheeks, in many sizes, 4" to very large 30" crane blocks, well used and well weathered, many to choose from. Some with hooks, some with out. $15 to 500ea.  
Life Boat Blocks 8" &12" double, w/quick release hooks and brass rope guide eyes, have just a few is all, look pretty cool when brass parts are polished up, all are Used. $125 ea  
Snatch Blocks Various sizes of wood Snatch Blocks, top opens to allow rope to come in from the side, 8" to very large 22"cheeks, for 1" to 4" dia rope, some are Used and some New/Surplus $25 to $250 ea  
  STEEL CHEEK BLOCKS, Fiber Rope and Wire Rope type    
Cargo Blocks Single sheave 14"& 16" diameter, grooved for 3/4"wire rope, and 18" & 23" diameter grooved for 1 1/4" wire rope, most are Used. (iw) $100 -$250 ea.  
Crane Blocks Weighted cheek blocks with hook. Many sizes, 18", 20" & 28" dia sheaves, single to 4 sheaves, all are used, a very few have tags or capacity ratings. Please call for details    
Steel Cheek Salt water rigging blocks for 1/2" to 2" fiber rope, most galv, steel cheeks, some black steel, single and double sheaves. used and weathered surplus. sold pic
Logging Blocks Snatch type: Mallory 10", grooved for 5/8".--- RopeMaster 14", grooved for 1 1/4" and a 15", grooved for 7/8".--- Young Iron Works 13", grooved for 7/8" wire and an 18", grooved for 1 1/8". --- Washington 12", grooved 1 3/8" wire rope. All in good used condition.


$150 - $350 ea.



Non Magnetic Bronze & Stainless construction for Mine Sweeper service, single 12"dia sheave, grooved for 9/16" wire, 9000lb swl, measures 13"x 25", Used and new old stock. SOLD OUT  
Steel Snatch Blocks Military 16" dia. single sheave,grooved for 1 1/8" wire rope, 2 1/4" pin size and 2 1/4" swivel eye and shackle, not stamped or marked Mfg or capacity. qty. 1ea. (iw) $200 ea.  
Bitts and Bollards

Fabricated double bitts in very used condition, good for decor. 2 ea, (not a matched pair), have 2 ea 10" dia posts with 13"dia caps, measuring 30" center to center, bases measure 18" by 48" and 16" by 46", weigh 450 and 480 lbs each. (op)

$100 / $200  

Cleats: small galvanized cast steel, measure 5", 6", 8" and 10"across the horns, weld down bases, but can be drilled and bolted too. Not imported , New /surplus from 1950"

Cleats, fabricated 30", 36" and 46" tip to tip, fabricated welded pipe, 4", 4 1/2" and 6 1/2" diameter pipe, used, 1 of each size. Weighs 230 lbs, 326 lbs and 256 lbs,(op) $175 /300 / 250  
Cleats, large

48" tip to tip, cast steel, base is 24" by 14", weld down style , weighs 60 lbs. in good / used condition., Qty 2ea. (ms)

Chalks Various sizes, open and closed types. SOLD OUT  
Chain Connecting Links Detachable, mostly Balt, and some Lok-A-loy, a few Pear shaped:  7/8" $30, 1" $40, 1 1/8" $60, 1 1/2"  $150, 1 7/8"  $270, 2 1/8" $410, 2 1/4" $500,  2 3/4" $940, 3 3/8 " $1750. $30 -$1,750 ea.  
Chain Rollers 14" wide, 21" flange dia., center groove is 3 1/2" wide x 2" deep, 5" dia. shaft, Cross Associates, Qty. 2, New / surplus. SOLD  
Chain Rollers 5 1/4" wide, 16" flange dia., Stainlesss steel, Vee groove in center, Qty 2   (dk) SOLD  
Chain Roller 20" wide, 28" flange dia.,    no groove ,    6" dia. shaft,   1 ea.    $650  
Chain Stoppers Pelican type, numerous sizes up to 1 1/2". Also 2 ea. big   Ulster chain stoppers, sold.  
Fairleaders Deck mounted and other styles. for 1/2", 7/8" and 1 1/8" wire rope sizes $200 to $600  
Hooks many styles and sizes, some used, some New/surplus, barrel hooks, chain hooks, choker hooks, sling hooks, etc. $  
Links and Rings Many sizes. surplus and used , 1/2" to 2 1/4" dia. material $  
Pad Eyes small Pad Eyes, welded steel and cast steel, galvanized in 8 sizes, 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8" rings, weld down base, but can be drilled and bolted too. Surplus/ new, not Imported $5 ea.  
Pelican Hooks Pelican Hooks, small to large, sold.  
Sockets for Wire Sockets: open & closed Spelter type for 3/8" to 2" wire rope, some wedge type also, used and surplus. sold  
Shackles / Clevis Shackles: Chain or Anchor style, screw pin, loose pin, double nut, 1/2" to 3" dia,    used and new/surplus. $5 to $150 ea sample pic
Big Shackles Uliven 3" screw pin anchor shackles, galv. stamped SWL 75 ton, NEW unused (of), weigh 175lbs each $150 SOLD SOLD
Sheaves / Pulleys Cast steel, Fiber rope type: 6" to 10" diameter. Wire rope type: 14",16",18", 20" and 24 " diameter, grooved for 3/4" to 1 1/8 " wire rope, most new / surplus, (oec)

$5 to $125 ea



Big Sheaves Wire rope type, cast steel: 1 ea. 30" dia grooved for 1 1/4"wire rope, SOLD--- 2 ea. 36" dia,SOLD--- 1ea. 43" dia grooved for 7/8", SOLD ,--2 ea. 47" dia grooved 1 1/4". New / surplus, $630 ea.Call for pin bore and hub widths, weights, etc $250 to $630ea  
Swivels Chain Swivels, forged  bearing,   1/2" to 3+" dia.  various form types,  $50 to $2,200 sample pic
Anchor Swivels 2 1/2" Baldt anchor swivels   NEW Qty.  12 ea.   $1,000 ea.  
Thimbles 1/2" to 4" dia rope sizes, mostly tear drop shaped, some round, most galvanized, New / surplus. sold  
Tow Plates Tow plates, Flounder plates, several sizes, used   $100 to $400 $100 to $400  
Turnbuckles Turnbuckles, 1/2" to 1 1/2 ", various lengths and types of end fittings. $15 to $95 ea  
Big Turnbuckles 1 3/4 ", 2",and 2 1/2"dia. loose pin, jaw and jaw type, galv. Crosby, measuring 44",48",34" closed pin to pin. New/surplus $150/200/sold  
Wire Rope Clips for 1/2" thru 1 1/2" dia wire rope, forged, galvanized, used and New/surplus sold  
P.O.R = Price On Request, please call us. 253-922-6670 Fax 253-922-2258


  Hardware, Fishing    
Brand name Description Price Picture
Fishing Doors Fishing Net Doors, Aluminum Trawl type, 2 different styles, 2ea. 9' x 5' and 3ea. 8' x 5'.   surplus from NOAA research project. (of) sold  
Fish Net Reel Fishing Net Reel on support legs, 8 1/2' tall x 11' long. Reel is 8' dia. x 8' wide, with 40" tall flanges, 3/16" steel, was chain driven, not powered at this time, 3/8" alum. end supports 66"wide x 72" tall. wieghs 1,500 lbs or so. (ofdk) SOLD  
Heat Exchangers / Coolers, shell and tube
Brand name Description Price Picture
Young Radiator 32" long, 5" dia, brass shell and end caps, 125 psi, 350 deg F, threaded 1 1/2" & 1 1/4" NPT inlets and outlets, qty. 1 ea. (iec) SOLD  
American Stand. 40" long, 4.5" dia, steel shell , brass end caps, 225 psi, 1 3/4" & 1 1/8" flanged fittings inlets and outlets, qty. 2ea. (iec) $350 ea  
Mele Metal Fab 32" long, 8.5"dia, welded steel shell and ends, 220 psi, 200F, threaded 2" & 1 1/2" NPT inlets and outlets, qty. 1ea. (iec) $500  
Bohn 60" long, 6" dia, steel shell & end caps, 400 psi, 300F, threaded 1 1/4" & 1" NPT inlets and outlets, qty. 2ea. (iec) $750 ea  
Ross 73" long, 8" dia. steel shell and end caps, lube oil cooler, 1957, flanged fittings 2 1/2"? inlets and outlets, qty. 1ea. (iec) $800  
Bell & Gossett 77" long, 9" dia, stainless steel shell and ends, 150 psi, 300 deg F, 4" flange and 3" flange fittings, surplus, qty. 1ea. (iw) $2,000  
American Stand. 73" long, 11" dia, steel shell and ends, transformer oil cooler, 150 psi, 300 deg F, 150 sq ft of surface area, flanged fittings 6" and 3" ?? inlets and outs, mfg 1961, qty. 1 ea. (of) $1,000  
Perfex 115" long, 11" dia, 2 pass, 5/8" cooper nickel tubes, Monel and stainless end caps, steel shell, flanged 3"inlet and outlet fittings, 100 psi, 200 deg F, qty. 1ea. (of) $3,000  
Brand name Description Price Picture
Hyd. Components
Assorted rams for equipment and industrial machines,   Also small pumps, valves & motors.
Hyd. Power unit Gas driven Hydraulic powered small single drum winch. Braden Gearmatic BG4A, 4,000 lb line pull.1/2"wirerope, Kohler 13 hp gas engine, Vickers V10 hydraulic pump. Skid mounted, weighs 980 lbs, in very good condition. SOLD  
Hyd. Power unit 3/4HP, 120 volt, portable power unit, Vickers 900 psi pump, belt driven on a 4 wheel cart, (arp) $300  
Hyd. Power unit  7.5 HP, 3 phase power unit, horzontal tank mounted with normal supporting hardware, assembled, not yet tested, tested good price (iw) off towing winch $2,000  
Hyd Power Unit 15 hp, 3 phase power unit, mounted on 20 gal tank, has 20 ft hoses, made by GPI in Harmony, MN for powering cardboard compacting units. $2,500  
Hyd. Power unit 75HP power unit, with pumps on each end of elec. motor, Tank mounted, filters, strainers, switches and pump controls (ofdk) $4,000  
Hyd. Motors   Big Motors, radial piston 5 cylinder, Not sure of Manufacturer ,  3 1/4" dia. output shaft, keyed ( not splined) Used, in good condition, Qty. 2 ea. (ofjp) $1,800 ea.  
Brand name Description Price Picture
CTS / Berger Builders Level with tripod and 8ft alum rod. optical type, 24x magnification, not lazer, 300ft working range,leveling accuracy of 1/16 inch in 150ft. built weather resistant, new/surplus, (dk), Qty 3 ea. SOLD  
Sperry Piedmont Gyro Compass / Master Compass, Mark 14, model 2A, s/n 336, 378, etc. 44in tall, 30in diameter, 18in diameter glass dome on top, cast alum base, steel sides and top, approx 420 lbs, USN 1970's era for large ships (Iowa Class), new / surplus  (iu)  Qty. 2   $900 ea.  
Sperry Gyro Compass Gyro Compass /  Master Compass, Mark XVIII, model 1, 44in tall, 20in diameter, 10in diameter degree wheel and window at top. approx 150 lbs. U.S.Navy WWII era, Type 64879, S/N 1811522 and S/N  1811241, (iu) Qty. 2 $600 ea.  
P.O.R = Price On Request, please call us. 253-922-6670 Fax 253-922-2258


Home Air Compressors to Electric Motors Port Holes to Winches